Animal Bedding
Setting the gold standard for animal beddings, we believe in maintaining the highest level of quality starting with the types of wood we use. Only the most select natural hardwoods are chosen and when a tree is felled, it is replaced with a newly planted tree. We don’t use cedar or softwoods overall because they have unhealthy organic compounds. Those compounds which may smell pleasing can cause distress to your animals. For over 60 years we have been the reliable leader in the animal bedding community.
The process used to make Sani-Chips® emphasizes the highest level of quality control at every turn. After finding the highest quality wood sources, we use only closed-van trailers to transport our hardwoods from sawmills to our production facilities. At all times throughout the process, we maintain a closed system to avoid contamination. The animal beddings are heat-treated and dried in rotary drums, reaching 1200 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. The moisture content is lowered this way to 8% (+/-2%), killing harmful bacteria.
The product is then conveyed by air through sifters and screeners to produce a final particle size. Then, it is refined again using additional, innovative and unique equipment to further increase screening and aspirating. Note: all of our products are virtually dust-free.
We have standard product specifications for each of our products. All of our animal bedding products go through the same production process until they are packaged according to their chip size. Our most popular two products are our Sani-Chips® and the larger sized Coarse Grade Sani-Chips®. The other option is called our C-Grade, which is made of a finer particle size. All are free of shavings, slivers, excessive dust and foreign matter.
We take great pride in the fact that our customers include top research facilities, universities, and leading pharmaceutical companies, in addition to the finest breeders of laboratory animals worldwide. For example, our SANI-CHIPS® are used by the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, the National Toxicological Program, the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) and the National Cancer Institute. Our all-natural wood animal bedding can be found in nearly every major animal breeding facility in the U.S.
In addition to many customers inspecting and approving our facilities annually, we frequently have our products tested by approved private testing laboratories, insuring that our products exceed the standards of NIH, NCTR, NTP and the highest standards of all, our own.

Sani-Chips®, a long time staple in animal bedding, are manufactured from superior hardwoods. Our woods come in one of two species types, which vary depanding on which part of the country they are manufactured. The wood species are either ASPEN or a blend of BEECH, BIRCH and MAPLE. Both varieties have the same exact specifications and characteristics, only the Aspen is typically slightly brighter in color and lighter in weight. The chips are dried to 8% (+/-2%) moisture content and then screened to National Institute of Health specifications, which include a size range from 8 to 20 mesh. Our Sani-Chips® are packaged in 2.2 cubic foot, auto-clavable bags. Unlike many beddings, Sani-Chips® are ready for use right out of the bag.

Coarse Grade Sani-Chips
This product is the larger sized brother to our original Sani-Chips®. Coarse-grade Sani-Chips® have all the great qualities of our regular sized Sani-Chips®, but simply are made with a larger chip size, varying between 4 and 8 mesh. They can be considered as a form of enrichment for the animal. These chips are processed using the same high-quality standards as our original Sani-Chips® and are ready for use right out of a 2.2 cubic foot, autoclavable bag. They are also virtually dust-free, contain no chemical additives or paper sludge and are not a food source for your animals. As with our regular Sani-Chips®, the wood species is either ASPEN or a hardwood MAPLE blend.

Our most absorbent bedding product, C-grade is ideal when your animals require extra-absorbent bedding. It is a finer hardwood chip than our Sani-Chip®, varying in size between 18 and 30 mesh. Our C-grade is dried to 8% (+/-2%) moisture content. The fact that it is a finer particle size means that there is more surface area to absorb the moisture quicker, thereby making it extra absorbent.

Irradiated Bedding
Our high quality products are sterile enough to use right out of the bag, unlike many other types of animal bedding. To ensure that our customers get best product possible we offer the options to irridate and certify our products upon customer request.
Our high quality products are sterile enough to use right out of the bag, unlike many other types of animal bedding. To ensure that our customers get best product possible we offer the options to irridate and certify our products upon customer request.

Certified Bedding
Our high quality products are sterile enough to use right out of the bag, unlike many other types of animal bedding. To ensure that our customers get best product possible we offer the options to irridate and certify our products upon customer request.
Animal Bedding Delivery Options
We offer two simple packaging options for our animal bedding. It is either sold in bulk bags or paper bags. Either of these options can be tailor-made for customers depending on their needs and concerns.

Animal Bedding In Bulk Bags
Animal bedding packaged in bulk bags can be cost effective if the right bedding dispensing system is in place. Typically our bulk bags will hold approximately 110 cubic feet of bedding. If a customer requires bulk bags in any different size, we are happy to special order them or use bulk bags supplied by the customer. We can also double- or triple- stack smaller bulk bags if needed.

Bagged Animal Bedding
Our 2.2 cubic foot multi-walled paper bags are the way in which nearly all of our customers prefer to order their bedding.
Customers have the option of getting our bags palletized and stretch
wrapped in many ways:
- 55 bags per pallet (11-high)
- 50 bags per pallet (10-high)
- wood pallets are standard, but we also offer Inca pallets or plastic pallets if required
- specialized stacking and palletization is available
If you need a few pallets or less delivered at a time our outstanding line-up of animal bedding distributors around the world stand ready to assist you. Please call us at 1-800-631-1936 to find the dealer nearest to you.
Mount Jewett, PA
March 8, 2016 Download as a PDF
May 13, 2015 Download as a PDF
October 20, 2014 Download as a PDF
April 9, 2014 Download as a PDF
February 3, 2014 Download as a PDF
September 3, 2013 Download as a PDF
Ladysmith, WI
June 16, 2016 Download as a PDF
January 6, 2016 Download as a PDF
January 15, 2015 Download as a PDF
July 9, 2014 Download as a PDF
February 2, 2014 Download as a PDF
November 13, 2013 Download as a PDF
Testing Details
Our animal bedding is tested regularly to assure that it meets the highest quality standards. Testing is always performed by independent nationally accredited testing facilities. Some of the approved testing facilities that have been used include Sani-Pure Food Laboratories, AnMed Laboratories, Lancaster Laboratories, and Hazleton Laboratories. If you would like to receive a hard copy of testing results or are having trouble viewing the attachments please send an email request to
FULL DETAIL TESTING: In addition to regular testing, once per calendar year a Full Depth Analytical Test of Sani-Chips is done with full detail results. To see our most recent Full Detail Test Results please click here or call us at 800-631-1936 to request a copy.
This detailed testing goes above and beyond what is required for bedding testing. It is proof of the extreme high standards to which our animal bedding is made.